Technical and Vocational Curriculum for Tour Consultants in Mozambique.

Read here our successtory:

PERIOD   2010 – 2013 

The overall objective of this project is to strengthen the technical and vocational education system, the so-called “Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) System”, for students in the tourism sector in Mozambique, in 2 phases: 

  1. Strengthening of technical education for Tour Consultants
  2. To strengthen the professional training for Tour Consultants

• Ministério de Turismo (MITUR) • Instituto Nacional Do Turismo (INATUR) • Instituto Superior Dom Bosco (ISDB) • COREP Executive Secretariat (PIREP) • 

BUDGET  110.000€ 

FINANCES  86.679 €: funding from the Flemish Government 

More and more developing countries recognize the importance of tourism towards economic development. Similarly, the government of Mozambique decided to promote tourism as a development tool. Yet the government does not succeed, despite some strong tourism assets (long coastline, unique cultural heritage and pristine natural resources) and the geographical proximity of South Africa, one of the world’s top destinations, the potential tourism economic growth objectives. One of the main reasons for this development status is the absolute lack of qualified and competent human capital for the tourism sector. Because Mozambique is still recovering from a long period of social and economic instability (the civil war of ’73-’92), there are significant gaps in the experience and expertise of both the public and private sectors. This needs to be addressed if the country wants to maximize the potential of international tourism destination as an asset for employment and other economic benefits.  The identification phase took place in May 2010. Contacts were made with the stakeholders. This project draws its legitimacy and should build on a broad basis and lasting partnership with the Mozambican government: the Ministerio de Turismo (Mitur), the Instituto Nacional do Turismo (INATUR), the Insitituto Superior Dom Bosco (ISDB) and the COREP Executive Secretariat (the National Commission for the reform of technical and vocational education), which ensures the sustainability of the project. In addition, the project can be seen as a structural reinforcement and continued support by the Flemish Government offered to the development of the tourism sector in Mozambique in 2007.


Main results: 
• A one-year accredited undergraduate curriculum ‘Tour Consulting’ for technical education in Mozambique, valued by the Ministry of Education, within the formal TVET reform framework in Mozambique.
• A first group of 18 well-trained teachers trainers who are able to teach the training to other teachers
• The Instituto Superior Dom Bosco and the Instituto Commercial de Maputo can offer the training themselves in the future
• The Instituto Superior Dom Bosco received 10 professional books for the library
• 9 touroperators and tourguides followed the workshop ’tourist experience design’

CURRENT SITUATION   Project finished.


“As a teacher I will apply almost everything to my students. I will share the knowledge with my colleagues who didn’t have this opportunity and if I get the chance to open my own tourism consulting company, I will apply this knowledge.” Farai, teacher in tourism at Instituto Comercial de Maputo.
“I will translate this course to my own course for my students and I will try to apply this methods in my daily work.” Muchanga, teacher in tourism at Instituto Comercial de Maputo.
“I will recommend this to my fellow-students, as this approach is important. We have to think about the DNA of a destination, to know different kind of experiences, to be able to do a SWOT and an evaluation, and to design tours combining all this knowledge. We have to include care/dare/share moments and use social media.” Francisco, student-teacher in tourism at Instituto Superior Dom Bosco.
“Recomendo a meus amigos, vaõ aprender novas técnicas e instrumentos necessários a um guia. O material de apoio também traz muita informação nova e atualizada sobre os diferentes tipos de turistas, suas personalidades e gostos.” (“”I will recommend to my friends the new techniques and tools necessary for a guide. I also learnt lots of new and updated information about the different types of tourists, their personalities and tastes.”) Jaqueline, teacher in tourism at Instituto Superior Dom Bosco.